Blog beginnings
Well, Hello! Just a quick beginning. We have been creating (story, craft, music, art) for decades. However, Alpha Dawn was the first thing we actually shared with the world. We are Morgan RR Haze on all platforms. Our first appearance was at the Eugene Comic Con in 2018. 2020 we released book two, Alpha Convergence. We have a booth reserved for the next Fan Fusion event in Phoenix, Arizona. It has been rescheduled multiple times due to the lockdown. Hopefully, the latest date in January 2022 will happen. We have been mentioned on Emily Jeziorski’s podcast “I ship it” a couple of times. Give them a listen if you are into fanfic, or various other elements of fandoms. The link is Word Refiner did author interviews for both of our novels, which you can find at We will try to update regularly, however, we all have day jobs and family responsibilities.